Smartbackup codecanyon cant login
Smartbackup codecanyon cant login

smartbackup codecanyon cant login
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  2. Smartbackup codecanyon cant login archive#
  3. Smartbackup codecanyon cant login full#

  • On front end, plugin creates playlists archives with extra archives for individual terms, single playlists pages where you can see full playlist information, cover image, description and most importantly: player.
  • Plugin is fully responsive and tested with verious mobile devices.
  • You also have options to disable some parts of the player control (volume, progress bar…). There are many more options to control the playlist including several options to control hiding tracklist.
  • Several playlists styles and skins for player control Plugin has 7 styles for playlists built in, and it can use one of two skins for player control.
  • Each track in playlist can show statistics, and it has a button that can be used to download the track (both options can be disabled). Every element (with exception of play/pause) can be disabled. Actual player controls has buttons to load previous and next tracks, play/pause, shows current playe time and track length, has progress bar and volume control. On top, it shows current track information.
  • Playlists player elements and controls This image shows all current controls player has.
  • You can assign various terms to each playlist for filtering later. You can have unlimited number of playlists and they can share audio tracks if needed.
  • Create unlimited number of playlists with easy to use manager Playlists management is based on WordPress normal posts management.
  • You can assign images to each track any time. If you upload files, WordPress can get all the information from them, including images (MP3 supports this).
  • Powerful playlist editor with tracks editing, settings and more You can upload audio tracks directly using WordPress media manager, or you can add remote tracks.
  • Also, implements pages with terms index for easier navigation in cases when you have large number of terms assigned to playlists.

    Smartbackup codecanyon cant login archive#

    On front end, get playlists archives, terms index and more Plugin adds archive pages for playlists, with extra archives based on playlists and terms.You can see full log with all playlists with filters, information on tracks played and time each track is played in each session. Every time playlist player is displayed, all it’s activity is saved to database. Detailed playlog with info on playtime for each list and track Using AJAX, plugin logs how long each playlist and track is played.

    Smartbackup codecanyon cant login pdf#

    Plugin has full PDF guide and 2 videos showing the process of creating templates. For most themes, you need to add templates specific to those themes (WordPress limitation, every theme has own layout and in most cases you can’t mix templates from different themes). Plugin includes own templates override loader.

  • Plugin needs 3 templates for theme to be able to display all the content generated by playlists and archives.
  • Just open new topic in our support forums, and we can assist with creating templates for your theme.
  • Template creation process is fairly simple, but if you are not comfortable of doing that on your own, we offer you help in creating those templates.
  • You can also expand plugins style CSS files to match closer to y. Such customization requires knowledge of PHP and HTML.
  • Plugin includes multiple template parts for everything, and it is easy to customize.
  • smartbackup codecanyon cant login

    Smart Audio Playlists - Plugin for WordPress playlists management

    Smartbackup codecanyon cant login